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System Requirements for RX-100 PC: Operation System: Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / VISTA: CPU: Pentium IV 1.2Ghz (Minimum) / Pentium V 1.6Ghz (Recommended) Memory: 256 MB RAM (Minimum) / 1 GB (Recommended) Free disc space: 800 MB for CD / 10 GB for DVD: Warranty & Service: Warranty: One-Year Parts & Labor and Free Technical Support: Extended When updating from a version before 6.0, some functions will not be available anymore. For details, see the Notice of update contents. PlayMemories Home Ver. 5.5 (32-bit OS version) and Action Cam Movie Creator Ver. 5.5 (32-bit OS version) are no longer available for download as of the end of March, 2020.


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