

Chapter 8. OmegaT文件和文件夹 - SourceForge

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捐助 MPlayer WW. 捐助 MPlayer WW Hosting provided by SourceForge. License. PPTP Client is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later. PPTP Client was known as pptp-linux and was written by C. Scott Ananian. There have been many contributions by users of PPTP Client. Note to readers of the NCO User Guide in HTML format: The NCO User Guide in PDF format (also on SourceForge) contains the complete NCO documentation. This HTML documentation is equivalent except it refers you to the printed (i.e., DVI, PostScript, and PDF) documentation for description of complex mathematical expressions. Sourceforge page. News. 01/16/13: Released version 1.2 (Release Notes) Windows Binaries (x86 and x64) Source Package (All platforms) (eblearn_1.2_r2631-src.zip) 11/13/12: A bug tracker has been added on googlecode. Please report any bugs there. New site on SourceForge. [25/Mar/2009] Lua 5.1.4 - Release 2 (sources and Visual C++ 8/9 binaries only) Fixed a problem in the manifest files used by dll8 and dll9 packages that prevents the wlua executable to work on a Windows XP 64bits. [25/Nov/2008] Lua 5.1.4 - Release 1 (sources updated) 23/01/2019

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